Learn to Program Artificial Intelligence with Visual Scripting in Unity

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Strap yourself in: Programming Artificial Intelligence is about to click! Since making the official tutorials for Bolt on Unity's Learn Site, creating this course has been a dream of mine. In collaboration with Holistic3D, I took Penny's quintessential C# tutorial series The Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence and adapted it to *drumroll*... Unity Visual Scripting! In this course you're getting the best of both worlds

Course reviews

Great course content and easy to follow. A nice "in addition to" Penny's AI course and not a boring copy rewrite. I'm not a fan of visual scripting, but that's my problem. There was a lot to still learn here.
Craig G.
That is great introduction of using AI with visual graph. I got a nice idea how to use a state machine which is like visual script. Key elements are well shown like animation trigger, custom trigger and transitions between states of your model or character. As a beginner i enjoyed the course very much and found even own solution for challenges. Visual graph gives you very easy way to see how data flows between nodes and opportunity to try other nodes out and see the result.
Dimitri S.

Course Reviews

This is my first course I've ever bought for Unity as I've tinkered for years with Unity and not really done anything , but I'm only 27% through the course and I've already learned so many new things, it's really opened my eyes to the power of Unity.
Dominica Dionaedes
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As always, Dr. Penny de Byl has hit it out of the park with this course.
Jesse Williams

Meet Your Instructor     
Penny de Byl

Professor of Games Development, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
About me
I'm a full stack developer of most things computer sciency and academic with a true passion for teaching. I've been teaching others about games development, programming, computer graphics, animation and web design for over 25 years in universities in Australia and Europe at the full professor level. I've also consulted for Unity, SAE, the Australian Institute of Entertainment and Wikitude. My best selling textbooks including Holistic Game Development with Unity are used in over 100 institutions world-wide.