Mar 1
Penny de Byl
GOAP Resources
This blog post recreates an online resource that is no longer available and used in the GOAP Course as a reference. All credit belongs to its original creator and inventor of the GOAP paradigm, Jeff Orkin.
What is GOAP?
Goal-Oriented Action Planning (aka GOAP, rhymes with soap) refers to a simplified STRIPS-like planning architecture specifically designed for real-time control of autonomous character behavior in games. I [this is Jeff Orkin writing in first person] originally implemented GOAP for F.E.A.R. while working at Monolith Productions. This A.I. architecture simultaneously powered Monolith's Condemned: Criminal Origins. (Brian Legge was responsible for the A.I. in Condemned).
My GOAP implementation was inspired by conversations within the A.I. Interface Standards Committee's (AIISC) GOAP Working Group, as well as ideas from the Synthetic Characters Group's C4 agent architecture at the MIT Media Lab, and Nils Nilsson's description of STRIPS planning in his AI book.

GOAP Resources by Jeff Orkin
Other GOAP Resources
An Overview of the AI Architecture Inside the F.E.A.R. SDK -
Assaulting F.E.A.R.'s AI: 29 Tricks to Arm Your Game -
How AI in Games Works: The Planning System -
Practical Development of Goal-Oriented Action Planning AI - David Pittman's MS Thesis
Enhanced NPC Behaviour using Goal Oriented Action Planning - Edmund Long's MS Thesis
StarPlanner: Demonstrating the use of planning in a video game - Panagiotis Peikidis's B.Sc. Thesis
Threat Analysis Using Goal-Oriented Action Planning - Philip Bjarnolf's B.Sc. Thesis
Improved Missile Route Planning and Targeting using Game-Based Computational Intelligence - Ken Doris & David Silvia (CISDA 2007)
GOAP Implementations
Games Using GOAP Architectures
Condemned: Criminal Origins
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl
Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars
Silent Hill: Homecoming

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